Golden Physicians Medical Group was pleased to coordinate a “Meet and Greet” at the Borrero Medical Group in San Diego. During the Meet and Greet, clinicians and staff from the Borrero Medical Group met with representatives from Brand New Day, Molina Health Plan, local Medicare agents and Golden Physicians Medical Group. Additionally, the Borrero Medical Group clinicians and staff shared a brief history about their backgrounds, training, experience, and about their hobbies outside of their professional lives. The Meet and Greet was a positive learning and team building experience which will help Medicare patients in the future. Golden Physicians Medical Group would like to recognize Kim with Brand New Day, Rebecca with Molina Health Plan, Dr. Fakhro, Dr. Gerbatsch, PA Ricardo Bravo, PA Hortencia Guzman, FNP Delfina Harvey, Rosa and Marky with the Borrero Medical Group. Lastly, Golden Physicians Medical Group would like to thank the following Medicare agents including Julia, Maria Antonieta and Julissa for attending the Meet and Greet. We thank you for your continued support of Golden Physicians Medical Group as we become the best community-based IPA for independent doctors in San Diego County.